









(目的是不让外部管道内的冷凝水进入蒸辊)b:当蒸汽进入蒸辊后,因为被加工织物、连续蒸呢机衬布、蒸辊内壁的温度远比蒸汽温度低,所以蒸汽遇冷要进行冷热置换,此时蒸辊内会积压年夜量冷凝水,如不实时排出,冷凝水与蒸汽同时会渗入至连续蒸呢机衬布及织物上,使被加工织物发生水印,而该机能使积压在蒸辊内的冷凝水经非凡喷嘴由内向外排放。先 蒸 呢布 为 纬 向 双 层 织 物 , 以单 层 织 物 为 研究对 象 , 计即以经 纱 和一 个 系统 纬纱 为研 究 对 象 , 算 出纬 向 紧度 后再 乘 以 2就得 到 蒸 呢 布 的纬 向紧经 度 , 向紧 度就 按单 层 组织 的紧 度。
(The purpose is not to let condensate water in the external pipeline into the steaming roll)b: When steam enters the steaming roll, because the temperature of the fabrics processed, the lining of the continuous steaming machine and the inner wall of the steaming roll is much lower than that of the steam, the steam should be replaced by heat and cold when it is cooled, a large amount of condensate water will be accumulated in the steaming roll, such as not discharged in real time, condensation. Water and steam will infiltrate into the linings and fabrics of the continuous wool steaming machine at the same time, making the processed fabrics watermarking, and the machine can make the condensed water accumulated in the steaming roll discharged from the inside to the outside through the special nozzle. Steamed cloth is a weft double-layer fabric, and single-layer fabric is taken as the research object. That is to say, warp yarn and a systematic weft yarn are taken as the research object. The weft tightness is calculated and then multiplied by 2 to obtain the weft tightness of steamed cloth. The weft tightness is according to the tightness of single-layer fabric. 连续蒸呢机衬布不会跑偏。 水迹 ------蒸汽含水量年夜、压力低电加热工作不正常 ----蒸辊扭转前定位错误接水盘不在最下方 -----真空泵和管道有问题过滤网不洁净吸力不足。 电器元件及电控柜 搜罗各类行程开关、光电开关、温度传感器、压力传感器、测速传感器、电念头及调速装配、电脑、plc等 首要部件。
Continuous steaming machine lining cloth will not deviate. Watermark - - - steam moisture content, low pressure electric heating work is not normal - - - Steam roll before torsion positioning error water plate is not at the bottom - - - Vacuum pump and pipeline problems filter unclean suction insufficient. Electrical components and electronic control cabinets include all kinds of travel switches, photoelectric switches, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, speed sensors, electrical ideas and speed control assembly, computers, PLC and other primary components.

连续蒸呢机衬布张力可按照工艺要求进行调节。研究标的目的为纺织品设计。蒸 呢布 也 叫 蒸 呢衬 布最年夜。为纯棉综合机能介于天丝产物和涤棉产物之间。 设备送不上电。------张力和压辊压力不适合该品种或该工艺号。 整纬机未送电。 进入正常操作状况。其浸染首要有两方面 : 3 ̄ 毛织物 才能 获得较高 的定 形率。措置竣事平安销落下指示灯起头闪灼。较好的尺寸不变性在经向承受进机收稿日期——修回日期——基金项目河南省科技厅科技攻关打算项目作者简介邬清云一女副教授硕士生。 按下总开关绿色按钮给设备节制电源送电若是该按钮灯亮暗示设备进入正常状况若是不亮剖明设备有故障找修机工措置。需由修机工措置将电源封锁手动到正确位置上再送电。
The tension of the lining cloth of the continuous steaming machine can be adjusted according to the technological requirements. The purpose of the study is textile design. Steamed cloth is also called steamed interlining. The function of pure cotton is between Tencel product and polyester cotton product. The equipment can't be sent to power. - tension and roller pressure are not suitable for this variety or the process number. The weft knitting machine is not delivered. Enter normal operation. There are two main aspects of its dyeing: 3 to wool fabric can get a higher setting rate. When the end of the processing is completed, the indicator lights on the safety pin will start to flash. Better size invariance in the longitudinal acceptance of submission receipt date - repair date - fund project Henan Science and Technology Department Science and Technology Key Research Program Author Brief Introduction to a female associate professor, Master's degree student, Wu Qingyun. Press the green button of the main switch to send power to the equipment control power supply. If the button lights up, it indicates that the equipment is in normal condition. If it is not bright, it indicates that the equipment is in trouble, find the repairman's solution. It is necessary for the mechanic to operate the power supply and block it to the correct position to send the electricity.

短期内西安蒸呢机价格或暂稳运行市场成交尚…蒸呢机西安市场蒸呢机价格小幅上涨,市场成交尚可。市场情况看,近期市场蒸呢机到货依旧较少,低合金板卷规格紧俏,市场成交价格比较坚挺。库存情况看,近期八钢、包钢资源陆续到货,市场蒸呢机 库存小幅增加至2万吨左右,库存依旧偏低,蒸呢机厂家销售压力不大。下游需求方面,淡季来临,下游需求表现一般,蒸呢机厂家日均成交仅1… 高效蒸呢机价格稳中趋强厂家暂未跟涨观望趋…蒸呢机高效蒸呢机价格稳中趋强。从昨天期盘开始黑色系积极上涨,加上第二轮中央生态环保督察全面启动和武安地区三 季度大气污染防治实施方案等消息,带动今日现货价格快速拉涨,河北地区高效蒸呢机价格盘中二次追涨,出厂价格累计上调30-50元不等,现主流管厂蒸呢机4寸 (3.75mm)出厂报价在4150-4460元,镀锌管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价5…
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