








无锡本地高效蒸呢机市场价格偏强震荡出货较…本周北京蒸呢机价格反复震荡贸易商心态尚且平稳本周长沙高效蒸呢机市场价格窄幅震荡,本周天津唐山邯郸主要管厂统计:厂内原料带钢库存26.94万吨,比上周同期增2.58万吨;焊管库存7.05万吨,比上周减0.75万吨;镀锌 管库存14.8万吨,比上周同期增0.08万吨;日均成交量4.69万吨,比上周同期增0.1万吨。节后下游需求释放不明显,高效蒸呢机价格出现小幅波动,…

本周北京蒸呢机价格窄幅调整,成交情况一般。本周北京蒸呢机价格反复震荡,窄幅调整,贸易商心态尚且平稳。周初在期货价格暴涨的带动下,贸易商试探性小涨10元,成交情况尚可。临近周末,随 着期货价格涨后回归,期货市场震荡剧烈,下游采购积极性较差,本地蒸呢机商家下调价格。据悉,本周市场价格3950元成交情况尚可,3960元成交出现一 定阻碍,市场大户出货在100-200吨水平。敬业本周锁价3920元,较上周同期降20元,天钢资源3950元,较上周持平,两家钢厂本周到货资源不 多,补库压力不大。据兰格钢铁网统计,截至发稿,本周北京蒸呢机库存0.73万吨,周环比降2.67%,蒸呢机厂家以出货为主,拿货方面而言终端基本处于观 望,蒸呢机厂家拿货要多余终端,下周临近结算,贸易商为回笼资金继续下调价格的可能性很大,不过仍需关注中美贸易商事件进程以及政策面的突发利好对于蒸呢机现 货形成的支撑。

This week Beijing square tube price narrow adjustment, trading situation is general. This week, Beijing's square tube prices have been volatile, narrow adjustment, and TRADERS'mentality has remained stable. Driven by soaring futures prices at the beginning of the week, traders tentatively rose by 10 yuan, and trading conditions were still acceptable. Near the weekend, with the return of futures prices after rising, the futures market shocks sharply, downstream procurement enthusiasm is poor, local managers cut prices. It is reported that this week's market price of 3950 yuan is still acceptable, 3960 yuan transaction has some obstacles, the market large-scale shipments in the 100-200 tons level. This week's lock price is 3920 yuan, 20 yuan lower than the same period last week. Tiangang's resources are 3950 yuan, which is the same as last week's. The two steelmakers do not have much resources to deliver this week and have little pressure to replenish their warehouses. According to the statistics of Langer Iron and Steel Network, as of this week, the inventory of Beijing's square management was 0.73 million tons, with a 2.67% drop in circumferential ratio. Traders mainly take delivery of goods, and terminals are basically on the lookout. Traders need redundant terminals to take delivery of goods. Next week, they are close to settlement. Traders are likely to continue to lower prices for withdrawal funds. However, we still need to pay attention to the process of Sino-US TRADERS'incidents and policy aspects. The unexpected benefits support the formation of spot management.

价格方面,北京蒸呢机:14-25mm敬业蒸呢机3960元(吨价,下同),天 钢3960元,14-25mm锰板4150元,较上周同期降10元,较上月降40元。目前市场敬业和天钢资源价格持平,两家钢厂规格基本齐全。

Price, Beijing square pipe: 14-25mm dedicated square pipe 3960 yuan (ton price, the same below), Tiangang 3960 yuan, 14-25mm manganese plate 4150 yuan, 10 yuan lower than the same period last week, 40 yuan lower than last month. At present, the market dedication and Tiangang resource prices are equal, and the specifications of the two steelmakers are basically complete. 

南京高效蒸呢机价格将稳中偏强整理厂家多操…蒸呢机,蒸呢机厂家,蒸呢机价格,蒸呢机行情,北京蒸呢机,高效蒸呢机北京蒸呢机南京高效蒸呢机市场价格上涨。今日期货震荡,上游方坯价格小幅上涨,带钢价格回落,河北地区管厂出厂价格暂稳。目前南京地区镀锌蒸呢机市场价格上涨。据当地蒸呢机厂家反映,受上游管厂调价影响,当地高效蒸呢机价格上涨。与10月份相比,近期市场成交情况有所好转,但近两日出货量有所缩减。对于后市,蒸呢机厂家观望情绪较浓… 广州当地蒸呢机价格或持续小幅上调需求面变…蒸呢机,蒸呢机厂家,蒸呢机价格,蒸呢机行情,北京蒸呢机,高效蒸呢机北京蒸呢机广州市场蒸呢机价格大幅拉涨。今日期螺宽幅高开小幅震荡,原材料方面现昌黎普碳方坯含税出厂3580累涨50。受唐山限产力度加大影 响,期现市场纷纷大幅拉涨行情,下游需求有所好转。受此消息刺激市场投机需求大幅上升,周六日市场成交明显放量;今日受到降雨影响出货不及周末火热但同比 上周也有明显好转。目前需求面变化不大,…
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上海蒸呢机价格或将继续走弱价格重心仍在下…方管上海蒸呢机价格小幅下调,今日上海镀锌板价格部分下跌10-40元/吨,价格重心仍在下移。整体而言,中下旬以来,心态谨慎偏空较为明显,特别是在原料热卷端价格进一步下 挫的情况下,蒸呢机市场亦难得到支撑,蒸呢机厂家纷纷出… 无锡蒸呢机市场蒸呢机厂家报价普遍较稳到货…方管无锡蒸呢机市场蒸呢机厂家报价普遍较稳,交投氛围尚可。春节临近,无锡地区蒸呢机蒸呢机厂家大多数已经放假,市场表现平稳,据蒸呢机厂家反馈,近期到货资源不多,蒸呢机厂家整体库存压力不大,整体基本面还是难以改善,多…