








无锡高效蒸呢机市场价格持稳整体出货平平厂家介绍怎样做到对蒸呢机进行合理妥善的保管?本周无锡高效蒸呢机市场价格持稳,成交稳定偏弱。期货方面,周初处于下行状态,周中保持小幅震荡,今日又有所回弹,后市 若能持续上涨或将对现货有一定带动作用。原料方面,方坯价格较上周下跌,带钢由于资源紧俏较上周价格上涨。从无锡当地蒸呢机厂家了解到,本周高效蒸呢机价格依然坚 挺,整体出货平平。蒸…

无论是在各大工程中还是生产中,总会有剩余的蒸呢机,如果一直进行堆积不加于防护就非常容易的被破坏,那么会对蒸呢机厂家造成严重的损失,所以在对蒸呢机进行保管时,一定要注意合理的进行保管。 保管蒸呢机的场地或仓库,应选择在清洁干净、排水通畅的地方,远离产生有害气体或粉尘的厂矿。在场地上要清除杂草及一切杂物,保持蒸呢机干净。

Whether in major projects or in production, there will always be surplus square pipes. If the accumulation is not added to the protection, it will be very easy to be destroyed, which will cause serious losses to the other side's pipe factory. Therefore, when keeping the other side's pipe, we must pay attention to reasonable storage. The site or warehouse under the custodian's control should be located in a clean and smooth drainage area, away from factories and mines that produce harmful gases or dust. Weeds and all debris should be removed from the site and square tubes should be kept clean.


Some small square pipes, thin steel plates, steel strips, silicon steel sheets, small caliber or thin-walled steel pipes, various cold-rolled, cold-drawn square pipes and high-priced and corrosion-prone metal products can be stored in warehouses; warehouses should be selected according to geographical conditions, generally using ordinary closed warehouses, that is, warehouses with walls on the roof, close doors and windows, and ventilation devices; warehouses require attention to ventilation in sunny days, rainy days. Attention should be paid to damp proof and proper storage environment should be maintained.


No corrosive materials such as acid, alkali, salt and cement should be stacked together in the warehouse. Different kinds of square pipes should be stacked separately to prevent confusion and contact corrosion; large-sized steel, rails, disgraced steel plates, large-caliber steel pipes, forgings, etc. can be stacked in the open air; small and medium-sized steel, wire rods, reinforcing bars, medium-caliber steel pipes, steel wires and wire ropes, etc., can be placed in well-ventilated material shed, but must be upholstered and underlayed. 综合来讲,在对蒸呢机进行保管时,存放环境是最重要的,只有存放环境有所保障,那么对于蒸呢机才能进行很好的保护。

Generally speaking, the storage environment is the most important when the other party keeps it. Only when the storage environment is guaranteed, can the management be well protected.

蒸呢机执行国家标准GBT 6728-2002 结构用冷弯空心型钢尺寸,外形,重量及允许偏差生产,是Q345B带钢经过工艺处理卷制而成。蒸呢机在于它的材质Q345B材料(低合金)生产加工而成与普通蒸呢机在原材料材质(Q195,Q215,Q235)有很大的区别,一般是把Q345B带钢(低合金)经过拆包,平整,卷曲,焊接形成圆管,再由圆管轧制成方形管然后剪切成需要长度常用长度为6米,12米量大可根据客户要求定尺加工。一般小规格是50根每包,大规格在4根每包不等重量控制在3吨左右。蒸呢机在现货方面以大规格居多在80MM*80MM-500MM*500MM,厚度在3MM-16MM。

The square tube is produced by cold-formed hollow section steel with dimension, shape, weight and allowable deviation for the implementation of national standard GBT 6728-2002. It is made of Q345B strip steel by coiling after process treatment. Square pipe is made of Q345B material (low alloy), which is very different from ordinary square pipe in raw material material material (Q195, Q215, Q235). Generally, Q345B strip steel (low alloy) is unpacked, flattened, crimped, welded to form round pipe, then rolled into square pipe by round pipe and cut into square pipe with the required length of 6 meters. The size of 12 meters can be fixed according to customer requirements. General small specifications are 50 per pack, big specifications are 4 per pack with unequal weight controlled at about 3 tons. In spot, square tubes are mostly of large size in 80MM * 80MM - 500MM * 500MM, thickness in 3MM - 16MM.


Square management is an important type of Square management, which is constantly strengthened in various market developments and applications. Therefore, it is suggested that manufacturers should pay more attention to the manufacturing methods and quality of square tubes, so that there will be more market conditions!

本周蒸呢机市场价格再度回落较上周出货好蒸呢机本周蒸呢机市场价格再度回落。截止8月23日国内热轧卷板均价3750元(吨价,下同),较上周同期跌22元,较上月同期下跌148元。移仓换月越来越近,本周期货多空博弈剧烈,在此影响下,下游拿货也一再观望。临近八月底,下游需求仍没有明显抬头。在贸易战影响下,机加工产品出口受到抑 制,一些华东地区机械及钢构厂不少关停,外贸… 沈阳地区蒸呢机市场价格基本平稳厂家心态平…蒸呢机沈阳地区蒸呢机市场价格基本平稳。出货尚可。今日开市,市场价格稳定。蒸呢机厂家心态平缓,今日期货无明显起色,但由于库存极低,市场接近尾声,期货总体对市场影响不大,整体市场差强人意。目前沈阳库存水平很低,市场收官,各家都在清理库存。经过一段时间的释放。下游采购意愿收敛,期货表现开始转向,加之东北的传统淡季…
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