








国内蒸呢机或将持续震荡走高整体成交好坏各…本周北京蒸呢机市场价格小幅下跌目前进入淡季蒸呢机市场报价小幅上行。今日唐山小窄带开盘涨10,期货市场高位震荡,钢坯早起开盘涨10元/吨,受成本压力出厂报价跟涨10,蒸呢机企 业嗅到市场的敏感性,但是高价市场始终出货困难,整体成交好坏各异,个别出清日产,但部分厂家出货一般偏弱。唐山窄带、中宽带涨30,期螺支撑市场心态,市场货源不多蒸呢机厂…


Prices in Beijing's Fangguan market fell slightly this week. Price, as of June 14, Beijing Spiral Salon bulk trading guidance price: 8-10mm high line for 4770 yuan (ton price, the same below), the same period as last week. Hebei Iron and Steel Group produced 3 960 yuan of 12mm three-stage aseismic threaded steel, down 50 yuan from the same period last week, and 3 860 yuan of 25mm three-stage screw steel, down 70 yuan from the same period last week. In May, consumer price index inflation in the United States stagnated, the Federal Reserve was facing pressure to cut interest rates, the recent futures market shocks and adjustments, billet prices rose first and then fell, and Beijing square tube market prices weakened. At present, in the off-season, market turnover is weakening, downstream purchasing is not active, the daily turnover of large households is about 100-2000 tons. Low-price shipment is better, business quotations close down. At present, the arrival of steel plant resources has increased, and the overall inventory has increased slightly compared with last week.


The U.S. consumer price index (CPI) barely rose in May, indicating moderate inflation and a slowdown in the economy, which put the Federal Reserve under pressure to cut interest rates this year. Recent financial futures shocks have intensified, and the market mentality is unstable. In June, shipments of steel mills increased. According to statistics, the planned investment of major market resources by Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei leading steel mills in June continued to increase compared with May, with a total of about 2.089 million tons, an increase of 133,000 tons over May, a new high in nearly two years. Beijing's regional plan put in 892,000 tons, an increase of 92,000 tons. In the hot and rainy season, the market demand has weakened and the short-term contradiction between supply and demand has intensified. It is expected that the market price of Beijing Square Management will be in a weak decline trend next week.

博兴高效蒸呢机市场价格稳中弱调报价有所松…蒸呢机博兴蒸呢机市场价格稳中下调为主。受早盘期螺整体下滑影响,部分现货商家报价有所松动,现主流规格售价在4060-4090元/吨;此外终端采买进展一般,部分商家加工费略低,加之临近月底商家回笼资金为主。综合考虑,预计短期博兴高效蒸呢机市场价格稳中弱调。The market price of Boxing Fang pipe coil has been lowered steadi… 国内蒸呢机市场价格窄幅调整厂家挺价意愿强…蒸呢机蒸呢机市场价格部分上调。今晨钢坯价格维稳,北方城市中唐山地区价格以稳为主,因限产持续,蒸呢机厂家挺价意愿强,由于需求 端观望气氛浓,唐山地区出货惨淡,因西北与东北部分地区迎来暴雨天气,一定程度影响了市场的成交,整体出货较差,打击了市场的信心,部分商户暗降操作出货,但效果并不理想。南方地区价格窄幅调整为…
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厂家出货为什么蒸呢机需要用包装袋?方管对于做生意的人来说,当然是在可行条件下支出越少越好,蒸呢机这类商品,我们很多时候都能看到上面会有包装薄膜袋,虽然其实并不重,但如果单次买入数量多了,也是会产生一定的经济支出的,但是为什么明明很多人不喜欢蒸呢… 蒸呢机市场价格主稳个调出货情况很不乐观方管蒸呢机市场价格主稳个调。主导市场,北京小涨、天津、上海和广州均以稳为主。上周五期螺夜盘低位震荡,今早开盘低位走弱,而消息面依旧 没有大的利好利空刺激,所以今日开市,市场普遍维稳观望,仅个别地区有所调整。午后盘…