








上海高效蒸呢机市场或持稳观望运行出货稳中…蒸呢机市场旺季不旺原因在于厂家经营模式陈旧本周上海高效蒸呢机市场价格下跌,整体出货稳中趋弱。与前一周相比,本周期货以震荡为主,周初与周末价格相当。原材料市场 价格稳中趋弱,带钢小幅下跌。从上海地区蒸呢机厂家了解到,近期当地焊管价格暂稳,镀锌蒸呢机价格受前期蒸呢机厂家影响,滞后下跌,临近年底市场成交渐弱。价格方面,截至12月06日,上…


In recent years, the development of the square management industry has been approaching a mature state, and to a certain extent, the traditional marketing model can not be used naturally. As a result, it seems that the bank is not as prosperous as it used to be. In fact, it is time to change its business model. Industry insiders are not surprised by the dullness of Fangguan industry. Only by playing new tricks in Fangguan promotional activities can a new round of "peak season" be brought. It has been found that Guangzhou's Fangguan market is still promoting after the festival. However, low-price promotion has not changed the dullness of the home market. The person in charge of brand sales of one party said that although the customers grew slightly than usual, the actual turnover was not large and the overall sales volume was lower than in previous years.


This year's Golden Week promotion is not satisfactory, let alone take Wangfang to manage the market. For businessmen, however, the mundane result seems to have been unexpected. A person in charge of the sales department said that this year's National Day market as a whole is relatively flat, there is no hot scene in previous years. He said, "This situation actually began to show from the Mid-Autumn Festival. Sales during the Mid-Autumn Festival plunged compared with last year, when we predicted that this year's National Day would not be any better."


The person in charge disclosed that after the Spring Festival this year, under the influence of various promotional means, there was a small warm wind in Fangguan market. However, since July this year, businessmen have been disappointed. Although summer is a busy season, but the market is cooling down, and the passenger flow is scarce. Until the Mid-Autumn Festival in September, there is no big change, so we all hope for the National Day, but the performance of the National Day is obviously not optimistic.


The Management Mode of Party Management Needs to be Changed


Faced with the neglect of market management by the other side, some insiders believe that the rising price of raw materials leads to the rising price of square tubes, which also deters consumers. However, this year's promotional season has been particularly prolonged, and the promotional prices of major retailers are competing to bow, but there are still many retailers reflect that this year's sales task can not be completed.


In this regard, some analysts pointed out that frequent promotional activities or a major reason for the weakening of the attractiveness of holiday promotions. This view has been affirmed by the dealer who manages the brand. The distributor said, "If there are weekly activities, monthly activities, and discounts for coming in at any time, then there is no need for consumers to pile up holiday promotions."


石家庄蒸呢机市场报价偏强盘整市场心态不佳…蒸呢机石家庄蒸呢机市场报价偏强盘整。唐山京华新国标产1.5寸(3.5mm)蒸呢机主流价格报价4090元,4寸(3.75mm)蒸呢机主流价格报价4000元,正大(天虹)新国标6寸(3.25mm)蒸呢机主流价格报价4050元。 原料方面,今日午后上游方坯持平报3440;唐山瑞丰355mm系列带钢出厂报价3700,较昨日主流价格下调20元。 市场方面,河北主导蒸呢… 合肥蒸呢机价格上涨厂家出货情况并没有好转…蒸呢机合肥市场蒸呢机价格上涨,成交一般。市场方面,受环保限产相关政策发布的影响,今日黑色系期货高开运行,市场情绪有所提振,从而带动现货价格上涨,但是蒸呢机厂家出货情况并没有好转。库存方面,受恶劣天气影响,到货周期有所延长,目前蒸呢机厂家库存偏低,部分规格缺货,并且商家去库意愿不强。另据贸易商反馈,在汽车行业…
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