








蒸呢机厂家仍反映供过于求局面未完全改变蒸呢机价格受限产因素影响预计高位盘整运行场成交较弱早盘开市,期货震荡趋弱,现货蒸呢机厂家积极性转差。蒸呢机厂家第一次主流报价3680-3690元,成交不佳。午时蒸呢机厂家价格价格再次下调至3670 元,成交差强人意。万吨级蒸呢机厂家出货不足1千吨,千吨级蒸呢机厂家则在3-4百吨。对于后市普遍看空。虽然本周武安蒸呢机库存下降3万多吨,但是蒸呢机厂家仍反映 …

27日内蒸呢机市场价格上行为主,今日145蒸呢机开盘较昨涨20,主流蒸呢机厂家报3900元/吨,早盘期货高开高走,但整体市场成交较弱,仅个别厂家出清日 产,但钢坯早盘涨20,有成本端支撑,小蒸呢机价格居高不下,午盘期货再次上扬,刺激了下游心态,多家小蒸呢机厂家停售,成交渐好。唐山355蒸呢机主流涨 50,今期螺大幅走高,贸易商跟涨意愿明显,但市价走高后回归稳定,下游恐高心理严重,因此市场价格较今晨回落10-20。目前下游需求以及市场成交都不 理想,但受环保限产影响,目前市场资源较为紧张,供需两弱的情况下,在期螺以及商家心态强势,加上环保限产预期加持,市场下行阻力明显,并且第二轮中央生 态环保督察将于近期启动,因此蒸呢机价格有强力逻辑支撑;华东华南地区今日蒸呢机价格稳中上行,受北方蒸呢机市场涨价影响,当地市场报价继续拉涨,然而下游需求跟进 不足,成交疲软,目前终端按需采购,心态均不温不火,钢价上行动力不足。同时当前贸易商资源偏少,规格又出现短缺现象,资源惜售逐步突显,个别蒸呢机厂家持货观望,综合来看,短期蒸呢机市场价格受限产因素影响预计高位盘整运行。

On the 27th day, the price of domestic square tube market rose mainly. Today, 145 square tube market opened 20% higher than yesterday. Mainstream square tube manufacturers quoted 3,900 yuan/ton. Early futures opened higher, but the overall market turnover was weak. Only individual manufacturers cleared Nissan, but the billet early rose 20, with cost-side support. Small square tube prices remained high. Midday futures rose again, stimulating the downstream mentality, many small square tube manufacturers stopped. Sales, business is getting better. Tangshan 355 square pipe mainstream rose 50, snails rose sharply in this period, TRADERS'willingness to follow the rise was obvious, but after the market price rose, returned to stability, downstream fear of heights was serious, so the market price fell 10-20 compared with this morning. At present, the downstream demand and market transactions are not ideal, but due to the impact of environmental restrictions on production, the current market resources are relatively tight, supply and demand are weak, in the case of snails and strong business mentality, coupled with the expected support of environmental production restriction, the downward resistance of the market is obvious, and the second round of central ecological environmental protection supervision will be launched in the near future, so the price of square control has strong logical support; The price of the local market continues to rise due to the rising price in the northern market. However, the downstream demand is insufficient to follow up and the transaction is weak. At present, terminal purchasing is on demand. The mentality is not warm and the upward power of steel price is insufficient. At the same time, there is a shortage of TRADERS'resources and specifications, and the sale of resources is gradually highlighted. Individual managers hold goods and wait-and-see. Generally speaking, short-term market price constraints affect the expected high consolidation operation.

蒸呢机价格方面:唐山热轧蒸呢机(2.5*355mm)唐山瑞丰3880较昨涨50;天津热轧蒸呢机 4.0*(480-570)天津荣钢3910较昨涨40;无锡热轧蒸呢机(2.5*355mm)中天3960涨10,莱芜热轧蒸呢机2.5* (232-355)莱钢3850持稳。

南京市场蒸呢机价格或窄幅调整成交尚可蒸呢机南京市场蒸呢机价格涨跌不一,成交尚可。早盘螺纹钢期货大涨。唐山方坯累涨20元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3340元。从市场了解,现货 市场早上报价以稳为主,南钢等高价资源小幅下跌。不过随着期货大涨,钢坯连续追涨,现货市场被动跟涨,涨价后成交并不理想,大户出货在2000吨左右,多 以低价为主。消息面,生态环境印发关于长三角… 广州蒸呢机价格或小幅盘整维稳运行成交有所…蒸呢机本周广州蒸呢机市场价格持续下降,市场成交不及预期;期货、钢坯也双双呈现震荡下跌行情。本周周初受当地天气影响,下游采购 需求有所减弱,成交偏差;后期期货钢坯的持续走弱也一定程度上影响现货市场心态,在供求关系紧张市场又无利好消息刺激的情况下,现货价格弱势震荡下行难以 支撑维稳;另一方面本周又临近月末,蒸呢机…
辛苦整理!转载请注明来自 http://www.zhengniji.com/zhengniji/show.asp?id=322



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