








北京蒸呢机市场价格窄幅震荡厂家订货热情不…2019年蒸呢机厂家需调整心态从零出发本周北京蒸呢机市场价格窄幅震荡。截至12日,北京市螺线沙龙批量成交指导价 格:Φ8-10mm高线为4510元(吨价,下同),比上周同期降50元。河北钢铁集团产Φ12mm三级抗震螺纹钢为3780元,比上周同期降60 元;Φ25mm三级螺钢为3710元,比上周同期降10元。本周市场资金紧张情况再次发生变化,可以理解为蒸呢机厂家…


Market competition is unavoidable. Keeping pace with the times is the sharp weapon for square management manufacturers to gain rebirth. Keeping a "zero mentality" and taking every hardship as a new starting point, we should start afresh and seek profits and avoid disadvantages, so that the future of the factory can be bright. With the development of square management industry becoming more and more mature, the competition situation becomes more and more fierce. Throughout these years, there have been difficulties and progress in the development of the square management industry, but the pursuit of development is an unchanged truth. Nowadays, both first-line brands and second-and third-line brands have been transforming, and their ultimate goal is to occupy a small number of markets. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is still a long way to go before we can gain market advantage. Among them, it is also crucial to reflect on oneself frequently, learn to "return to zero" and rediscover the energy of progress.


Reduction of Profit in Industrial Operation


From the point of view of development speed, the square management industry as a whole has entered a low growth channel, and its development profits have dropped sharply; from the point of view of competition means, the current single price war, even channel war, full of promotional wars, industrial change and consumer demand stimulation are difficult to achieve; from the point of view of consumer demand, market consumers prefer diversification and subdivision, demand is more dispersed as a whole, and it is difficult for the square management manufacturers to grasp.


As far as the current situation is concerned, the biggest challenge for all the regulated manufacturers is that the whole industrial operation chain has entered the stage of "low profit, even small profit, small profit", and a large number of commercial speculation will be cleared out. That is to say, if Fangguan manufacturer is still struggling to save the main industry with the industry, then the market situation will be more unoptimistic, and profits may continue to decline.


Returning to Zero and Attaching Importance to Market


Transition is an important means for front tube manufacturers to achieve breakthroughs. It is not enough to talk about it by mouth. We must practice it with real knives and guns. All factories, big or small, strong or weak, stand at a new crossroads of development. They must decide whether to go or stay as soon as possible. And the future road is doomed to be uneven, especially for some small square pipe processing plants, a little poorer, all lose.


In such a situation, square managers must maintain a "zero mentality", stand at a new starting point, re-examine the market, reflect on their own mistakes, and start again to find user needs. Only in this way, no matter how the market competition changes and how the reform deepens, square managers and manufacturers have a continuous development energy, and always have the hard requirements of occupying the market. 

北京蒸呢机价格或有小幅拉涨操作厂家持观望…蒸呢机北京蒸呢机市场价格暂稳观望。今日北京蒸呢机价格未有较大波动,整体维稳。但据说河北津西、天柱、鑫达等蒸呢机厂正在召开会议,对价格会作出调整,各蒸呢机厂家持观望心态。而午后津西、天柱 陆续传出传出涨价消息,23日起,河北津西钢铁集团华北、东北直销处及全国协议户大、小型钢价格统一含税上调50元/吨。23日14:00起,… 无锡高效蒸呢机市场价格将暂稳观望运行出货…蒸呢机无锡高效蒸呢机市场价格暂稳。今日期货尾盘拉涨,上游原材料方坯价格上涨,带钢价格下跌,前几日管厂高价位导致出货不畅,今日普遍下调出厂价格。目前无锡地区镀锌蒸呢机价格暂稳,出货欠佳。据当地贸易商反映前期高效蒸呢机价格上涨,市场心态好转,但近两日当地下雨影响出货量,日成交量仅30-40吨左右。对于后市商家心态比…
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