








唐山蒸呢机价格偏强运行市场需求有小幅放量…短期国内蒸呢机价格或震荡向上运行厂家皆坚挺出货唐山蒸呢机市场价格偏强运行。唐城产14-20号工字钢报价3690,元,较昨日市场价格涨10元;正 丰产5号角钢报价3780元,较昨日市场价格持稳;瑞兴产8-14号槽钢报价3720元,较昨日市场价格涨10元。(备注:以上价格均为过磅含税价) 河北省环境厅印发关于区域二城市(唐山、廊坊、沧州、秦皇岛)于11月7日8时解除重…

蒸呢机价格多持稳运行,今日唐山小窄带开盘较昨持稳主流报3910含税出厂,周末两天,小窄带出货较好,多家企业早早售停停单,同时环保限产 加持,小窄带厂家皆坚挺出货,下游心态尚可,今日整体成交尚可个别一般,部分蒸呢机厂家出清日产,明日起天物顺通、万丰因环保停产三天暂不接单,届时小窄带资源 量将有一定影响,小窄带价格将有所提振;唐山355蒸呢机主流较昨持稳,中宽带较昨持稳,355系中宽带现货市场报价较昨午后变动不大,今日期螺宽幅震荡, 市场预期尚可,操作偏坚挺。但现货高位交投乏力,仅个别厂家资源表现一般。目前唐山限产加强,唐山地区在确保安全生产、汛期安全前提下,7月21日0时至 7月31日24时执行加严管控措施。7月26日0时至7月28日24时,全市钢铁企业烧结机(竖炉)装备全部停产,高炉休风焖炉,环保严查依然严格,且南 方出梅雨季后期开工渐增,消息面利好偏多,蒸呢机厂家心态有支撑;华东华南地区今日蒸呢机价格窄幅震荡调整,受周末钢坯拉涨等影响,蒸呢机厂家心态多坚挺观望,报价普遍 上涨10-20左右,涨后市场交投不温不火,下游用户多刚需拿货,主要是淡季需求释放困难,下游盈利不高观望氛围浓厚,导致有价无市的被动局面。考虑到梅 雨季已过,下游开工渐增,加之环保限产影响,预计短期国内蒸呢机价格或震荡向上运行。

The price of small narrow band in Tangshan is more stable than that of yesterday. The opening price of small narrow band in Tangshan today is 3910 with tax. On the weekend, small narrow band shipments are better. Many enterprises sell early and stop orders. At the same time, environmental protection and production restriction are strengthened. Small narrow band manufacturers are firm in shipment. The downstream mentality is still acceptable. Today, the overall turnover can be individually general, some parties. When the manufacturer clears Nissan, Tianwu Shuntong and Wanfeng will not take orders for three days due to environmental protection, then the small narrowband resources will have a certain impact and the small narrowband price will be boosted; the mainstream of Tangshan 355 party managers is more stable than yesterday, the broadband is more stable than yesterday, and the broadband spot market quotation of 355 series broadband has not changed much compared with yesterday afternoon, today's period The snail width shocks, the market expectations are still acceptable, and the operation is firm. However, the high-level delivery of goods is weak, only a few manufacturers'resources performance is general. At present, production restriction in Tangshan has been strengthened. On the premise of ensuring safety in production and flood season, strict control measures have been implemented from 0:00 on July 21 to 24:00 on July 31. From 0:00 on July 26 to 24:00 on July 28, all sintering machines (shaft furnaces) of iron and steel enterprises in the city were shut down. Blast furnaces were shut down and roasted. Strict environmental protection inspections were still carried out. Construction began in the latter part of the rainy season in the south, with more favorable news and supportive attitude of square tube manufacturers. Influenced by billet inflation, square tube manufacturers have a strong wait-and-see mentality. The quotation generally rises by 10-20. After the rise, the market is not warm and the downstream users need to get goods. The main reason is that it is difficult to release the demand in off-season, and the downstream profit is not high and the wait-and-see atmosphere is strong, which leads to the passive situation of no market. Considering that the Meiyu season has passed, the downstream construction is increasing, and the impact of environmental protection and production restriction, it is expected that the short-term domestic tube prices or shocks will move upward.

蒸呢机价格方面:唐山热轧蒸呢机(2.5*355mm)唐山瑞丰3920较昨日稳;天津热轧蒸呢机 4.0*(480-570)天津荣钢3970较上周五涨20;无锡热轧蒸呢机(2.5*355mm)中天3990较上周五涨20,莱芜热轧蒸呢机2.5* (232-355)莱钢3930较上周五涨10,唐山热轧小窄带报3910较昨稳。

The square pipe price: Tangshan hot-rolled square pipe (2.5*355mm) Tangshan Ruifeng 3920 is stable than yesterday; Tianjin hot-rolled square pipe 4.0* (480-570) Tianjin Ronggang 3970 is 20 higher than last Friday; Wuxi hot-rolled square pipe (2.5*355mm) in the day 3990 is 20 higher than last Friday, Laiwu hot-rolled square pipe 2.5* (232-355) Laiwu hot-rolled square pipe 3930 is 10 higher than last Friday, Tangshan hot-rolled small narrow strip Report 3910 is more stable than yesterday. 

明日长沙蒸呢机市场价格稳或小幅上行涨后成…蒸呢机长沙蒸呢机市场价格上涨70元。今日价格仍有一定上调,午后期螺走高,市场交易气氛高涨,各家价格跟涨积极,涨后成交尚可,蒸呢机厂家积极出货消耗库存为主,实际成交有一定优惠力度, 近期期螺波动较大,市场也是有一定观望心态,而市场也在调节自身的心态,午后唐山、昌黎钢坯稳,现普碳方坯含税出厂3380元,成本波动较小,… 蒸呢机价格稳中下行现货蒸呢机厂家心态偏空…蒸呢机蒸呢机价格稳中下行,今日145蒸呢机价格涨跌互现,主流厂家报3750-3780元/吨,受期货上涨影响,开盘小窄带较昨涨10-20元/吨; 今日唐山355蒸呢机较昨降20,今期螺低位震荡,蒸呢机厂家情绪不高,多谨慎观望出货为主,然交投氛围表现清淡,无奈个别企业出价后被秒抢,但整体市场成交寥 寥,钢坯直发顺畅,钢坯价格较昨较昨下午…
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