







本周乐从蒸呢机市场价格上调体成交情况一 般

大连高效蒸呢机价格将窄幅震荡运行为主拿货…本周乐从蒸呢机市场价格上调体成交情况一 般大连高效蒸呢机市场价格上涨20-50。今日原材料价格报稳,主流蒸呢机厂出厂价格暂稳。受前几日原材料价格上涨影响,大连高效蒸呢机市场价格上涨。据蒸呢机厂家反馈,受季节性影响,当前整体市场需 求情况依旧偏弱,虽市场热度近期有所回升,但下游客户拿货积极性不高,整体成交情况未见好转,对后市行情并不看…

本周乐从蒸呢机市场价格上调,成交整体一般。回顾本周,周初期货市场回暖,乐从蒸呢机市场价格稳步上涨,至中期为止,价格累计上涨60元左右,出货较好,中期价格方面涨势乏力,趋于稳定运行, 出货较差。现市场主流价格在3820元/吨,与上周同期相比上涨60元。本周大户日均成交约500吨左右,中户日均成交约200吨左右,整体成交情况一 般。心态方面,目前乐从地区虽然蒸呢机厂家心态有所好转,悲观情绪缓和,但对后市仍报以观望态度。库存方面,本周乐从地区到货下降,但消化速度依旧缓慢,据不完 全统计,目前乐从地区蒸呢机库存量约60.9万吨,较上周同期约下降2.24%。

This week, Lecong raised its price in the square pipe market, and the overall turnover was normal. Looking back on this week, the commodity market warmed up in the early part of the week, Lecong's square tube market prices rose steadily. By mid-term, the price had risen by about 60 yuan, and shipments were better. In the mid-term, the price was weak, tended to run steadily, and shipments were poor. The current market mainstream price is 3820 yuan/ton, up 60 yuan compared with the same period last week. This week, the average daily turnover of large households is about 500 tons, and that of middle households is about 200 tons. The overall turnover is general. In terms of mentality, although the mentality of local managers has improved and pessimism has eased, Lecong still takes a wait-and-see attitude towards the future market. In terms of inventory, Le Cong's regional arrivals fell this week, but the digestion rate is still slow. According to incomplete statistics, the current inventory of Le Cong's local management is about 609,000 tons, which is about 2.24% lower than the same period last week. 整体来看,目前乐从地区需求方面稍有缓和,库存仍处于较高水平,市场整体依旧处于供强需弱状态,预计短期内乐从市场或以窄幅震荡运行为主。蒸呢机价格方面:现乐从主导钢厂4.75mm-9.5mm热轧板卷3820-3830元/吨。锰卷报价为3970-3980元/吨左右。

Overall, Le Cong's regional demand has eased slightly, inventory is still at a high level, and the market as a whole is still in a strong supply and weak demand state. It is expected that Le Cong's market will be dominated by a narrow range of shocks in the short term. As for square pipe price, it is 3820-3830 yuan/ton for hot rolled coil of 4.75mm-9.5mm in Xianle Leading Steel Works. The price of manganese coil is 3970-3980 yuan/ton.

蒸呢机市场价格主稳个调各地氛围再度冷清蒸呢机蒸呢机市场价格主稳个调。主导市场,除了上海小幅反弹外,北京、天津、广州均以稳为主。昨日在期螺反弹的带领下,大部分地区氛围出现回 暖。期螺夜盘的高位平稳运行也给市场带来了支撑,不过早盘的走势就有些差强人意了,开盘震荡走弱,直接影响到了市场的积极性。所以今日开市,市场价格主稳 个调。从市场了解到,随着午后期… 北京蒸呢机市场价格大幅下跌需求继续走弱蒸呢机本周北京蒸呢机市场价格大幅下跌。据监测数据显示,截至13日,北京市螺线沙龙批量成交指导价 格:Φ8-10mm高线为4270元(吨价,下同),比上周持平。河钢集团产Φ12mm三级抗震螺纹钢为3670元,比上周降70元;Φ25mm三级螺钢 为3720元,比上周持平。期货市场螺纹钢换月后,价格并没有出现过度的大调整,相反逐步进入窄幅波动模式…
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