








明日蒸呢机价格或有普遍回落可能市场低开低…北京高效蒸呢机价格或将盘整运行厂家整体调价意愿不强蒸呢机市场价格稳中下挫。连日来价格的拉涨在今日迎来小幅回落,早盘期货市场低开低走,钢坯价格尾盘跌20元。今日广州、上海地区价格明显下跌50-60元,武汉天津地区 回落20-30元,其余地区暂时观望。市场有消息传中美贸易谈判仍面临较大分歧,尚未出台明显时间表,此外唐山今日发布了7月部分钢厂可不限产时间…

本周北京市场高效蒸呢机市场价格震荡持稳运行,本周北京地区高效蒸呢机价格震荡持稳,民用高效蒸呢机价格小幅下调,市场成交一般。市场方面:蒸呢机厂家整体调价意愿不强,市场观望情绪浓厚。据了解, 终端需求释放跟进不足,下游贸易商谨慎拿货。钢厂方面:目前鞍钢本钢等主流钢厂9月份期货价格政策都已出台,其中鞍钢本钢热轧、高效蒸呢机基价不变,宝钢河钢基 价上调150元/吨。据钢厂反馈,后市仍难言乐观,具体还要看十一国庆对周边生产和工程影响程度。心态方面:因目前市场行情多变,供需只是影响价格的一部 分因素,宏观消息对市场的影响不容忽视,贸易商方面仍然以出货为主。现阶段多数贸易商选择谨慎观望为主,综合来看,当前需求依旧不好,但成本导致底部有支 撑,预计下周北京高效蒸呢机价格或将盘整运行。

This week, the price of galvanized square tubes in Beijing market has been stable. This week, the price of galvanized square tubes in Beijing has been stable. The price of galvanized square tubes for civil use has been slightly lowered, and the market turnover is normal. On the market side: the overall willingness of the merchants to adjust prices is not strong, and the market sentiment is strong. It is understood that terminal demand release follow-up is insufficient, downstream traders cautiously take goods. Steel works: At present, the futures price policy of mainstream steel plants such as Benxi Iron and Steel Co. of Anshan Iron and Steel Co. has been issued in September. Among them, the base price of hot-rolled and galvanized square pipes of Benxi Iron and Steel Co. of Anshan Iron and Steel Co. has remained unchanged, and the base price of Hegang Steel Co. of Baosteel has increased by 150 yuan/ton. According to feedback from steel mills, the future market is still difficult to say optimistic, depending on the impact of the Eleventh National Day on the surrounding production and engineering. Psychological aspect: Because the current market is changeable, supply and demand are only a part of the factors affecting prices, the impact of macro-news on the market can not be ignored, traders are still mainly shipped. At this stage, most traders choose to be cautious and wait-and-see. Generally speaking, the current demand is still not good, but the cost leads to support at the bottom. It is expected that the price of galvanized square tubes in Beijing will be consolidated next week. 价格方面:北京高效蒸呢机鞍钢有花1.0mm*1250*C报4790元/吨,首钢 无花1.0mm*1250*C报4720元/吨,凤鸣有花1.0mm*1000*C报4330元/吨;兆建有花1.0mm*1250*C报4390元/吨。

Price: Beijing Galvanized Square Pipe Anshan Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. costs 1.0mm*1250*C to 4790 yuan/ton, Shougang No-flower 1.0mm*1250*C to 4720 yuan/ton, Fengming 1.0mm*1000*C to 4330 yuan/ton, Zhaojian 1.0mm*1250*C to 4390 yuan/ton.

天津蒸呢机价格下调厂家观望情绪比较严重蒸呢机本周天津蒸呢机市场价格下调, 成交惨淡。近一段时 间以来,国内大部分地区冷轧市场价格普遍下调,尤其以北京、天津、上海等地价格下调比较明显,其中天津本地价格较上周同期下调100元,究其根本,是因为 终端需求因中美贸易战影响萎靡不振,加工、家电、汽车等行业拿货多以刚需为主,观望情绪比较严重,加之近几日黑色系期货… 天津高效蒸呢机或将重回弱势震荡格局市场需…蒸呢机本周天津高效蒸呢机市场价格窄幅上扬,整体成交量较上周有所转好。周内,由于成本端频繁上涨,对于高效蒸呢机价格的支撑作用 明显增强,管厂信心得到有效提振,本地主流高效蒸呢机厂出厂价格有所上扬。市场方面,由于价格持续走高,下游商家似乎看到一丝希望,终端用户出现阶段性集中补 货,市场成交略有好转。从基本面来看,…
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广州蒸呢机骄价格或偏强拉涨运行与昨日相比…方管广州市场蒸呢机价格维稳出货为主。今日广州市场蒸呢机价格主流稳价为主,市场成交整体与昨日相比稍微有所增加;今日期货呈现宽幅拉涨趋势,原材料方面现昌黎普碳方坯含税出厂 3370稳。今日广州蒸呢机市场价格走势表现为先弱… 石家庄高效蒸呢机将以震荡偏弱运行为主整体…方管石家庄蒸呢机和高效蒸呢机市场价格暂稳。原料方面,今日唐山瑞丰355mm系列带钢价下跌30元,主流管厂出厂价格下调10-20元。今日石家庄焊镀管市场价格暂稳,市场整体成交欠佳。 据当地贸易商反馈,近期上游原材料市场价格下跌…