








乌鲁木齐蒸呢机价格仍以弱势盘整为主厂家被…本地蒸呢机市场弱势局面或难改变厂家极力出货今日开市乌鲁木齐蒸呢机价格弱势下跌20元/吨,市场成交清淡。据了解,当前本地多数蒸呢机厂家出货受阻,部分蒸呢机厂家更是连续数日未有成交。对此本地蒸呢机厂家 表示,虽然目前乌鲁木齐天气较好,但气温较低,市场拉货车辆稀少,部分下游终端用户因接单较差,开始陆续放假。此外由于春节临近,本地市场过节…

本周来看,由于期货整体走势处于疲弱状态,故本周天津蒸呢机市场弱势盘整。上半周在需求依旧不佳以及市场看空情绪的影响下,蒸呢机市场价格松动,下调 20元左右。现货市场的疲弱使得蒸呢机厂家出货困难,多数蒸呢机厂家每日出货量基本集中在100-300吨,盘中价格的下调,也未能刺激市场好转。据悉,近期本地市场 主要以刚需为主,下游终端采购意愿较低,且市场仍是低价资源成交较为普遍。时至下半周,唐山,武安限产再出,期货表现尚可,但现货市场蒸呢机厂家观望氛围较浓, 报价较为平稳。而周四期盘走弱跳水,上午市场交投氛围清淡,成交更是惨淡。截至今日,期货高位震荡,对市场有些许支撑,但鉴于需求并未有效启动,价格依旧 相对持稳。据兰格网统计,本周天津蒸呢机库存为9.8万吨,较上周降0.2万吨。一方面是蒸呢机厂家极力出货,库存有小幅下降;另一方面,9月包钢检修,对天津市 场的投放量缩减,其他钢厂资源的投放亦不固定,整体来看,本地市场呈现供需两弱的局面,且以谨慎观望心态为主,因此在临近月底之时,本地蒸呢机市场弱势局面或难改变。

This week, due to the overall trend of futures is weak, so this week, Tianjin square management market weak consolidation. In the first half of the week, under the influence of still poor demand and market bearish sentiment, Fang Guan's market price was loose, down by about 20 yuan. The weakness of the spot market makes it difficult for Square managers to deliver goods. Most Square managers concentrate their daily shipments on 100-300 tons. The reduction of the price in the market also fails to stimulate the improvement of the market. It is reported that in recent years, the local market is mainly based on just demand, and the purchase intention of downstream terminals is low, and the market is still relatively common for low-price resource transactions. In the second half of the week, Tangshan, Wu'an limited production and re-emergence, futures performance is still acceptable, but the spot market regulators manufacturers wait-and-see atmosphere is strong, the quotation is more stable. Thursday's market dipped weakly, and the morning trading atmosphere was light, even worse. Up to now, the high volatility of futures has given some support to the market, but in view of the ineffective start of demand, prices remain relatively stable. According to Lange, Tianjin Square Pipe Inventory this week was 98,000 tons, down by 20,000 tons from last week. On the one hand, square tube manufacturers are making great efforts to deliver goods, with a slight decline in inventory; on the other hand, Baotou Steel's overhaul in September reduced the amount of investment in Tianjin market, and other steel plant resources are not fixed. On the whole, the local market presents a situation of weak supply and demand, and mainly with a cautious wait-and-see mentality, so near the end of the month, Ben It is difficult for the local government to change the weak situation of the market. 价格方面,截至8月23日,天津市5.5mm×1500mm*C包钢市场价格在3720元(吨价,下同),唐钢市场价格在3710元,中铁市场价格在3710元。较上周同期跌20-30元。

As for the price, as of August 23, the market price of Tianjin Baotou Steel Company is 3720 yuan (ton price, the same below), Tangshan Steel Company is 3730 yuan, and China Railway is 3730 yuan. It was 20-30 yuan lower than the same period last week.

天津蒸呢机市场价格稳中上调成交相对偏弱蒸呢机天津蒸呢机市场价格稳中上调。今日开盘,虽期货市场拉涨疲弱,但本地市场由于库存低位,价格较为坚挺,市场蒸呢机厂家多呈现稳中上调态势。目前,市场价格多在3700-3720元之间,不过,在资源缺货的影响下,成交相对偏弱。另外,近日河北省多数城市以及今日安阳市继续发布环保限产预警,市场亦谨慎观望,操作意愿不大。钢厂方… 石家庄高效蒸呢机将以震荡偏弱运行为主整体…蒸呢机石家庄蒸呢机和高效蒸呢机市场价格暂稳。原料方面,今日唐山瑞丰355mm系列带钢价下跌30元,主流管厂出厂价格下调10-20元。今日石家庄焊镀管市场价格暂稳,市场整体成交欠佳。 据当地贸易商反馈,近期上游原材料市场价格下跌趋势明显,但市场成交疲软,商家对后市行情多抱观望态度。库存方面持续保持低位水平运行。整体来看,…
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