








蒸呢机厂家库存无压力市场成交并不配合仍整…国内蒸呢机价格或将弱势运行为主厂家多挺价出货上周末钢坯的小涨及期螺夜盘的走高对市场略有刺激,周初开市,期螺高位震荡运行,市场心态良好,本地型钢市场价格小幅上 升。此后,夜盘期螺震荡跌绿后低位盘整,钢坯支撑下移,市场情绪不佳,在没有明确利好支撑的情况下,现货价格窄幅下调10-20元。周中,最新环保限产政 策再度来袭,对现货市场有很大鼓舞,…

国内蒸呢机弱势下跌,今日唐山小窄带价格开盘较昨持稳,主流报3700元/吨,周末钢坯价格累降40,小窄带并未跟跌,厂家多挺价出货,今日 期货开盘跳水,加之成本端本就下调,下游用户多观望为主,小窄带厂家为求出货,纷纷盘中下调20,降后出现好转,但整体依然以弱为主;唐山355蒸呢机主流 较昨降20,中宽带较昨降30,现货市场报价较上周五降50左右,周末中美贸易战再次升级,加上成品材及原料市场表现弱势,因此今日期货开盘直接跳水,严重打压市场信息,下游情绪萎靡不振,拿货意愿不强。目前贸易商多随行就市,以出货为主,但下游并不买账,整体市场成交不尽人意,下游多看空情绪,加之月底 蒸呢机结算,贸易商资金压力较大,因此市场出货并不顺畅。华东华南地区今日蒸呢机价格多弱势下行为主,今日华北地区主导钢厂都下调20-30,且宏观大环境利 空市场,下游需求并未得到更好地释放,周末钢坯下行且今日成交表现不佳,底部支撑力度较弱,贸易商心态面多悲观,下游拿货意愿普遍不高,市场交投氛围整体 疲软,存在为促成交暗降出货操作。目前虽部分资源有到货,但依旧处于供需弱平衡状态。因此预计明日国内蒸呢机价格或将弱势运行为主。

Domestic management weakness declined, today Tangshan small narrow band price opening was more stable than yesterday, the mainstream reported 3700 yuan/ton, weekend billet prices fell by 40, small narrow band did not follow the decline, manufacturers bid more, today's futures opening dived, coupled with lower cost, downstream users wait and see more, small narrow band manufacturers for delivery, one after another. The main stream of Tangshan 355 party managers fell 20% from yesterday, broadband dropped 30% from yesterday, spot market quotations fell 50% from last Friday, the weekend Sino-US trade war escalated again, and the performance of finished materials and raw materials market was weak, so futures market today started to dive directly. The market information is suppressed, the downstream mood is depressed, and the willingness to take goods is not strong. At present, traders mostly follow the market, mainly to ship, but downstream does not buy, the overall market turnover is unsatisfactory, downstream bullish mood, coupled with the end of the month to manage settlement, traders have greater financial pressure, so market shipment is not smooth. The price of square steel in East and South China is mostly weaker today. The leading steelmakers in North China are all down 20-30 today, and the macro environment is bad. The downstream demand has not been better released. The billet is down on weekends and trading performance is not good today. The bottom support is weak. Traders are pessimistic and downstream take. Generally, the willingness to deliver goods is not high, and the overall market trading atmosphere is weak. There is an operation of secretly lowering delivery to facilitate delivery. At present, although some resources have arrived, they are still in a weak balance between supply and demand. Therefore, it is expected that the domestic government will mainly control the price or weaken the operation tomorrow. 蒸呢机价格方面 :唐山热轧蒸呢机(2.5*355mm)唐山瑞丰3700较昨降20;天津热轧蒸呢机 4.0*(480-570)天津荣钢送到大邱庄价3765较上周五降40;无锡热轧蒸呢机(2.5*355mm)中天3860较上周五跌10,莱芜热轧蒸呢机 2.5*(232-355)莱钢3760较上周五降30,唐山热轧小窄带报3680较昨降20。

On square pipe price: Tangshan hot-rolled square pipe (2.5*355mm) Tangshan Ruifeng 3700 was 20% lower than yesterday; Tianjin hot-rolled square pipe 4.0* (480-570) Tianjin Ronggang delivered to Daqiu Zhuang 3765 was 40% lower than last Friday; Wuxi hot-rolled square pipe (2.5*355mm) Zhongtian 3860 was 10% lower than last Friday; Laiwu hot-rolled square pipe 2.5* (232-355) Laiwu hot-rolled square pipe 3760 was 30% lower than last Friday, Tang The hot rolled small narrow strip is reported at 3680, which is 20% lower than that of yesterday.

沧州蒸呢机市价震荡偏弱依然趋弱厂家多暗降…蒸呢机本周自周一黑色系期螺突然跳水后,整体走势趋弱几次跳水。主要是上周的上涨,现货的成交明显跟不上期货的节奏支撑不够。消息面,脱欧还在半空中, 梅姨辞职;铁矿石、焦炭疯长,中美贸易战不断加剧。管坯近日再次走弱,临沂管厂也出现小幅下调。市场方面,近三个月沧州蒸呢机成交量处于递减状态,本地蒸呢机市场交投氛围清淡… 南京市场蒸呢机价格或窄幅调整成交尚可蒸呢机南京市场蒸呢机价格涨跌不一,成交尚可。早盘螺纹钢期货大涨。唐山方坯累涨20元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3340元。从市场了解,现货 市场早上报价以稳为主,南钢等高价资源小幅下跌。不过随着期货大涨,钢坯连续追涨,现货市场被动跟涨,涨价后成交并不理想,大户出货在2000吨左右,多 以低价为主。消息面,生态环境印发关于长三角…
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太原蒸呢机价格或将持续维稳厂家出货越发偏…方管太原蒸呢机市场价格以稳为主。目前太原市场已是隆冬腊月,下游终端基本都处于停工或者收尾阶段,市场需求持续疲软。从市场了解到,随着 临近春节放假时间点,蒸呢机厂家出货越发偏弱,蒸呢机厂家心态已从传统销售逐步转向冬… 青岛蒸呢机市场价格持稳厂家方面多在消化现…方管管厂方面:国内主导蒸呢机:临沂108*4.5mm出厂普轧4180元-4250元,连轧4390元,57*3.5mm冷拔加300元;聊城中厚 壁4250元-4300元;磐金102-159*4.5mm基价4360元;鑫鹏源273-377系列4350元;元铧219*6mm-4280元,新冶 特钢21…