








国内蒸呢机各市场价格待续主稳下降可能性不…蒸呢机市场涨跌两难厂家批量囤货现场不易出现国内蒸呢机各地区市场价格待续主稳。今日期螺高开低走,走势不佳。16:30昌黎部分钢坯降20元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3530元。据了解,管坯及蒸呢机厂成交一般偏好,管厂开工率 有所下降。今日管坯及各蒸呢机厂家价格报价以稳为主,下游市场价格主要以稳中盘整运行。大体来看整体市场在一个区间内震荡趋强运行,近…

蒸呢机市场涨跌两难,维稳为主,今日钢市逐渐趋稳反弹,蒸呢机市场在维稳中谨慎操作,快进快出,严格控制库存。上游管坯价格前两日有所下滑, 据昨日山东两家钢厂接单及价格来看,下调价格促成交,其中一家订单在3万吨,无疑,临沂管厂原料订单增多,其主要是临沂地区管厂开工率提升。自7月以来, 临沂地区环保督查导致管厂开工率一度低至40%,管厂加快由燃煤改为天然气接口,管厂环保达标,前期限产管厂逐渐改造完毕投产,当前开工率在77%。另 外,管坯85mm前后规格稍紧俏,一定程度上影响排产率。对于蒸呢机市场资源来看,常规格性规格流通较大的地区显得紧俏,大口径350-426规格个别地 区紧俏。当前23个主导地区蒸呢机社会库存在65万吨,连续两个月持续下降。在即将迎来“金九银十”,需求无疑会有所释放,但不会有明显释放,毕竟当前淡 旺季节性需求并不是泾渭分明,蒸呢机厂家批量囤货现场不易出现。

Square management market is in a dilemma of ups and downs. Maintaining stability is the main task. Today the steel market is gradually stabilizing and rebounding. Square management market operates cautiously in maintaining stability, fast in and out, and strictly controls inventory. The price of upstream pipe billet declined two days ago. According to the orders and prices of two steel mills in Shandong Province yesterday, the price was lowered to facilitate delivery. One of the orders was 30,000 tons. There is no doubt that Linyi pipe mill's raw material orders increased, mainly because the starting rate of Linyi pipe mill increased. Since July, the environmental protection supervision in Linyi area has led to the start-up rate of the pipeline plant once as low as 40%. The pipeline plant has accelerated the transformation from coal-fired to natural gas interface. The environmental protection of the pipeline plant has reached the standard. The pre-production limit pipeline plant has been gradually transformed and put into operation, and the current start-up rate is 77%. In addition, the specifications of 85 mm billet are slightly tight, which affects the discharge rate to a certain extent. As far as market resources are concerned, areas with large circulation of conventional specifications are in demand, and areas with large 350-426 specifications are in demand. At present, social stock in 23 leading areas is 650,000 tons, which has been declining for two consecutive months. In the coming "gold, nine silver and ten silver", the demand will undoubtedly be released, but there will be no obvious release. After all, the current weak seasonal demand is not entirely distinct, and it is not easy for the square managed manufacturers to store goods in bulk. 蒸呢机价格方面,全国十大城市均价4924元,与上个交易日持平,江浙沪鲁翼等主导市场中等热 轧管市场报价在4680-4750元之间。

In terms of square tube price, the average price of 10 cities in China is 4924 yuan, which is the same as the previous trading day. The price of medium hot-rolled pipe market in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Shandong and other leading markets is between 4680 and 4750 yuan.

本周杭州蒸呢机价格大幅下跌厂家期待值不高…蒸呢机本周杭州蒸呢机市场价格大幅下跌,本周一期货呈大幅下跌态势,全天下跌63点至3877,市场低价资源频现,成交清淡,周二周三期螺基本稳定,但受高温天气影响,下游需求较弱,现 货价格基本稳定,周四早盘成交清淡,盘中受期螺跌幅扩大影响,部分蒸呢机厂家为求出货,报价混乱杀跌,低价资源频现,低位成交并未出现好转迹象。周… 长春高效蒸呢机价格将稳中趋弱运行为主成交…蒸呢机长春高效蒸呢机市场价格暂稳。今日期货弱势震荡运行,方坯价格回落,带钢暂稳,管厂出厂价格普稳个调。目前长春地区镀锌蒸呢机价格暂稳,成交偏淡。据了解,近期市场成交量有轻微下降,弱一到 两成。冬季来临,长春地区市场交投趋弱,即将收尾,个别蒸呢机厂家降价促进出货。库存上无大变化,维持在800-1000吨左右。总体看来…
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