








嘉兴蒸呢机价格持稳运行短期内厂家无明显补…国内蒸呢机价格先跌后涨引发贸易商抄底嘉兴蒸呢机价格持稳运行,市场方面,今日黑色商品期货呈震荡上行趋势,现货市场价格普遍维持运行,尤其是近期冷轧价格表现较为坚挺。据蒸呢机厂家反馈,目前下游需求表现愈发冷清,上午询价 的客户都在减少,市场交投氛围偏淡。但由于8月份蒸呢机厂家订货量有所削减,近期市场到货亦是较慢,蒸呢机厂家库存普…


Domestic tube prices first fell and then rose, slightly fell in the first ten days, and increased significantly in the second and second half of the year, with a cumulative increase of 20 yuan/ton over last weekend. Affected by the sharp rebound in imported mines, domestic mines have also increased this month. In addition, some blast furnaces in Tangshan area have recovered slightly in the middle and late stages of maintenance and production reduction. With the appropriate increase in square pipe purchasing, the turnover of domestic mines has improved. In the case of weak supply willingness of local mines, it is expected that the price of square tube will be relatively stable next month. Recently, due to the continuous decline in international management and coal prices, traders have been reading the bottom, and Australian miners have increased their shipments, which has pushed the dry bulk market prices to rebound substantially. However, the basic supply and demand situation of the industry remains unchanged, domestic demand remains weak, and short-term demand will face a downturn in the off-season, coupled with the existing capacity digestion still takes time, it is expected that the current sharp rebound in freight rates will be unsustainable.


In the early part of this month, the prices of construction steel factories generally fell sharply. With the stabilization of steel prices in the middle and late part of this month, the ex-factory prices of some seamless square pipe factories have not been adjusted much, and the ex-factory prices of some seamless square pipe factories have also increased slightly. Among them, Shagang and Yonggang steelmakers, which were priced in 10 days, cut their ex-factory prices by 200-260 yuan/ton in early June. After that, their prices remained stable in Mid-and late-June. Hebei Iron and Steel's settlement price in June was significantly reduced by 160-280 yuan/ton on the basis of the guided prices. After this month's lagging reduction of steel mill prices, the upside-down between the ex-factory prices of leading steel mills in various regions and the market prices of P110 oil casing pipe is not large enough, and the pressure of further reduction of ex-factory prices will be eased in the later period. However, it is worth mentioning that with the continuous tension of the capital chain, Pingte Iron and Steel Co. of Jiangxi Province stopped production this month because of the break of the capital chain, reflecting that the current living conditions of small and medium-sized steel enterprises have been quite difficult. Later, it is not excluded that some steel mills issued extreme price policies to withdraw funds. At present, the domestic production of square tubes remains at a high level, and there is still a demand for rigid raw materials. However, with the loss of steel mills and the increasing efforts of national environmental protection management, it is expected that the domestic production of square tubes will decline in May. In addition to the current prudence of steel mills in purchasing raw materials, it is expected that the market of square tubes, coke and other raw materials will continue to be dominated by consolidation in July. 

国内蒸呢机市场价格窄幅调整厂家挺价意愿强…蒸呢机蒸呢机市场价格部分上调。今晨钢坯价格维稳,北方城市中唐山地区价格以稳为主,因限产持续,蒸呢机厂家挺价意愿强,由于需求 端观望气氛浓,唐山地区出货惨淡,因西北与东北部分地区迎来暴雨天气,一定程度影响了市场的成交,整体出货较差,打击了市场的信心,部分商户暗降操作出货,但效果并不理想。南方地区价格窄幅调整为… 国内蒸呢机市场价格稳中微调以出货为主蒸呢机蒸呢机市场价格小幅上涨。今日各地市场纷纷跟调,价格上涨主要原因是限产政策,目前北方地区陆续发布停产通知,山东地区、唐山地区等主要城市,加之期螺持续提振,市场价格 支撑力度加强,从今日起北方重点城市唐山蒸呢机轧钢厂已全部停产,预计恢复时间10月4日左右,成品资源目前较为齐全,传洋目前角钢资源较为齐全,津西部…
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常州高效蒸呢机市场价格将暂稳观望运行成交…方管常州高效蒸呢机市场价格坚挺。今日期货震荡上行,上游原材料方坯、带钢价格继续回落,管厂大幅下调出厂价格。目前常州镀锌蒸呢机市场价格坚挺,整体成交尚可。据了解,常州地区近期市场成交比 较平稳,尽管市场上其他地区镀… 淄博蒸呢机市场价格全面下跌成交比上月稍好…方管淄博蒸呢机市场价格全面下跌,期螺、钢坯下跌,中美摩擦升级,环保限产预期下降,各种利空来袭,使得蒸呢机厂家对后市预期不佳,市场低价甩货增多,今日淄博蒸呢机价格全面下调。据蒸呢机厂家反馈, 虽8月份价格呈下跌趋势…