








西宁蒸呢机价格或将盘整运行为主厂家持观望…什么是高效蒸呢机?有无缝和焊缝之分吗?本周西宁蒸呢机市场价格基本稳定,市场成交偏弱。据了解,目前市场受资源成本影响,市场售价继续基本稳定,多以按需出货为主,另主导钢厂对本地资源投放明显收紧,叠 加外流资源到货情况不佳,因此部分规格已出现断档情况,故个别订单将一单一议操作为主。库存方面,本周市场整体库存较上周继续下降,维持低位…


Galvanized square pipe, as its name implies, is a square pipe with galvanized surface. Square pipe is a form of address for square pipe, that is, steel pipe with equal side length. The strip is coiled by process treatment. Generally, strip steel is unpacked, flattened, coiled, welded to form a circular pipe, then rolled into a square pipe from the circular pipe and cut into the required length. Usually 50 pieces per bag. 


There are seamless and welded square pipes.


Seamless square pipe is a kind of long steel with hollow section and no joint around it. Steel pipe has hollow section, which is widely used as pipeline for conveying fluids, such as oil, natural gas, gas, water and some solid materials. Compared with solid steels such as round steel, steel pipe has lighter weight when its bending and torsion strength is the same. It is an economic section steel. It is widely used in manufacturing structural and mechanical parts, such as oil drill pipe, automobile transmission shaft, bicycle frame and steel scaffolding used in construction. Manufacturing ring parts with steel pipes can improve material utilization, simplify manufacturing process, save material and processing time, such as rolling bearing rings, Jack sleeves and so on. At present, steel pipes have been widely used in manufacturing. Steel pipe is also an indispensable material for all kinds of conventional weapons. Tubes, barrels, etc. are made of steel pipe. Pipe can be divided into circular pipe and special-shaped pipe according to the shape of cross-section area. Because the circular area is the largest under the condition of equal circumference, more fluid can be transported by the circular pipe. In addition, when the ring section is subjected to internal or external radial pressure, the force is more uniform, so the vast majority of steel tubes are circular tubes. However, the circular pipe also has some limitations. For example, under the condition of plane bending, the circular pipe is not as strong as square and rectangular pipe. Some agricultural machinery skeleton, steel and wood furniture are commonly used square and rectangular pipe.


The welding seam is a kind of welding method that uses a pair of disc electrodes instead of spot welding cylindrical electrodes to move relative to the workpiece, thus producing a sealed weld with overlapping nuggets.


Performance Index of Square Tube


Plasticity: refers to the ability of metal materials to produce plastic deformation (permanent deformation) without destroying under load.


Hardness: It is a pointer to measure the degree of hardness and softness of metal materials. Common methods include Brinell hardness (HB), Rockwell hardness (HRA, HRB, HRC) and Vickers hardness (HV).


Fatigue: Machine parts work under cyclic loads, under which conditions parts will produce fatigue.


Impact toughness: The load acting on the machine parts at a great speed is called impact load, and the ability of metal to resist damage under impact load is called impact toughness.


Strength: Strength refers to the resistance of metal materials to failure (excessive plastic deformation or fracture) under static load.

本周上海蒸呢机市场价格小幅下跌厂家出货成…蒸呢机本周上海蒸呢机市场价格小幅下跌,随着唐山相关部门发布《8月份大气污染防治管控方案》文件,对八月份的环保限产工作作出 了初步指示,长流程钢厂按环保评级对高炉和烧结等工序进行限产,调坯轧材企业分AB轮轮流生产的方式停限产,综合来看此次文件传达的环保限产力度大概率将 不及七月,预计8月份产量环比上升。期货方面:螺… 苏州高效蒸呢机价格将暂稳观望运行为主成交…蒸呢机苏州高效蒸呢机市场价格暂稳。今日期货弱势震荡运行,方坯价格回落,带钢暂稳,管厂出厂价格普稳个调。目前苏州镀锌蒸呢机市场价格暂稳,整体成交情况一般。据了解,下游客户采购积极性较低,需求无明显好转,蒸呢机厂家对后市不太看好。库存方面持续低位水平运行,按需补货,操作谨慎。整体来看,预计短期内苏州高效蒸呢机市…
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