








山东蒸呢机市场价格整体又出现一个上调的趋…高效蒸呢机的分类及镀锌工艺的几种方法莱芜蒸呢机价格明显上调,成交偏弱。今日山东蒸呢机市场价格整体又出现一个上调的趋势,目前部分贸易商认为蒸呢机市场价格虽然近期有小幅度上调,但是成交方面与去年相比还是处于 一个弱势阶段。对于后期市场是否迎来利好行情,蒸呢机厂家表示怀疑。山东莱钢集团反映,目前市场价格上涨并不一定代表市场将会迎…


In China, galvanized square tubes are divided into hot dip galvanizing and galvanizing. Hot dip galvanizing has thick coating, uniform coating, strong adhesion and long service life. The electroplating cost is low, the surface is not smooth and the corrosion resistance is worse than that of hot dip galvanized pipe. Galvanized square tube: The hot-dip galvanized square tube square tube base plate and the melt electroplating solution complex physical, chemical reaction, forming a compact zinc-iron alloy layer corrosion-resistant structure. The alloy layer is integrated with pure zinc layer and square tube substrate. Therefore, it has strong corrosion resistance.


Galvanized square pipe: The galvanized layer of cold galvanized square pipe is electroplated, and the zinc layer is separated from the square pipe substrate. The zinc layer is very thin. The zinc layer is simply attached to the square tube substrate, which is easy to fall off. Therefore, its corrosion resistance is poor. It is forbidden to use galvanized square pipes as water supply pipes in new homes. 


Several methods of galvanizing square tubes


Square tube galvanizing: Due to the electrolysis process, it can be electronized in salt-soluble zinc electrodes. Partnership and zinc are sinking to the surface of the pipe. It's done very well. However, the viscous properties of such pipes are insufficient to prevent persistent condensation, and the porous surface limits the control life for five years.


Hot-dip galvanizing of square tubes: This is an expensive method, but its help is the most durable, although not enough, so additional mechanical processing is required. Hot-dip galvanizing is a process of galvanizing on galvanized zinc. Not all steel codes can be treated in this way: if the carbon content exceeds 0.24%, this galvanizing process is not appropriate.


Square pipe thermal diffusion coating: There is a pair of zinc vapors in the sealed container on the surface of the water pipe. In this case, the protective layer formed in the thermal centrifuge process is very strong and stable, regardless of the complexity of pipeline configuration, it almost does not exist. There is something rare in welding. The service life of galvanized pipes is 15 years, which is worthwhile because there is no zinc gloss on the surface.


Square tube cold galvanizing: This method is suitable for communication already in operation, and represents artificial dyes, containing zinc, manual or gas. It's a hug. Sometimes this coating is not hot-dipped, but it does not need to be disassembled, although the mechanical sustainability is incredible. The following are: in the first case, no more than 5 to 6 years, in the second case, the use time increased to 7 to 8 years.

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