








郑州高效蒸呢机市场价格暂稳较昨日价格跌1…杭州蒸呢机市场价格或震荡趋弱现货价格急转直下郑州高效蒸呢机市场价格暂稳,30日盘中期螺大幅跳水,MACD图强势死叉,短期上升行情结束,新一轮跌势或将展开。另本地蒸呢机市场已进入季节性需求淡季,下游需求持续疲软,月底 蒸呢机厂家面临资金压力,多低价出货。市场马上进入6月份,在供强需弱格局下,库存压力或将逐渐显现,预计短期本地高效蒸呢机价格…


This week, the prices of Hangzhou Fangguan market plunged sharply. This week, snails fell sharply. Hangzhou, which followed the tightest futures, naturally followed closely. Spot prices plummeted, market panic spread, quotations were chaotic, the market had no strong confidence in the short-term market, and low-price resources appeared frequently. The news face is full of ups and downs. Following the "breaking seven" of the domestic exchange rate, the US Treasury Department officially listed China as a currency manipulator for the first time in 25 years. The Ministry of Commerce announced in the early morning of June 6 that Chinese enterprises have suspended new purchases of American agricultural products. As a result of the escalation of the trade war, U.S. stocks plunged, global stock markets were under pressure, and commodity markets were also affected. 库存方面:本周杭州蒸呢机库存84.56万吨:较前期整体库存增加1.26万吨:线材3.89万吨,螺纹钢80.67万吨

Inventory: Hangzhou square pipe inventory 845,600 tons this week: 126,600 tons more than the previous overall inventory: 38,900 tons of wire rod, 806,700 tons of thread steel


This week's billet inventory survey: According to statistics, the billet inventory of the main warehouses in Tangshan on September 9 was about 262,000 tons, down 28,000 tons from last week (26 days), and the two main warehouses were double-degraded.


Raw materials: at 16:30 on the 9th, part of the billet resources in Changli fell by 70, and now the ordinary carbon billet with tax is discharged from the factory by 3500. It's 80% lower than last Friday.


At present, the square tube market is in the off-season. The market is in a pessimistic atmosphere when news and bad news are concentrated. Traders are more pessimistic. On Friday, typhoon weather is coming, downstream construction sites are shut down, and purchases are scarce. It is the leakage of houses that happens overnight. In summary, Hangzhou is expected to weaken its market price or shock next week.

价格方面,截至8月9日,杭州蒸呢机批量成交指导价格:沙钢 Φ8-10mm高线为4120元,比上周同期下跌110元,中天Φ12mm三级螺纹钢为3820元,比上周同期下跌210元;中天Φ25mm三级螺钢为 3660元,比上涨同期下跌210元。永钢Φ8-10mm三级盘螺为4100,比上涨同期下跌110元。

As for price, as of August 9, Hangzhou square pipe volume trading guidance price: Shagang 8-10mm high line is 4120 yuan, down 110 yuan from the same period last week, Zhongtian 12 mm threaded steel is 382 yuan, down 210 yuan from the same period last week; Zhongtian 25 mm threaded steel is 360 yuan, down 210 yuan from the same period of rise. Yonggang 8-10mm three-stage snail is 4100, down 110 yuan from the same period of increase.

蒸呢机市场价格个别反弹不过出货回归正常水…蒸呢机蒸呢机市场价格个别反弹。主导市场,北京、上海出现反弹,天津、广州继续下跌。上周五期螺夜盘高位运行,周末再现重大利好,今早开盘期螺持续上行。不过考虑到入冬后北方需求降低与南方市场累库的问题,蒸呢机市场普遍还是较为谨慎的,仅有个别地区出现反弹。午后盘面保持高位走势,虽然市场价格整体还是稳中偏弱,但个别地区… 杭州蒸呢机批量成交指导价格比上周同期降5…蒸呢机本周杭州蒸呢机市场价格大幅下跌,周期螺先抑后扬,周初期螺下行,市场心态悲观,成交较差,现货价格下行,周三开始期螺有所回暖,但由于目前市场价格与蒸呢机厂出厂价出现倒挂现象, 贸易商为了减少亏损,积极拉涨,但涨价后成交不佳,市场心态依旧没有恢复,价格难以大幅上涨。因为经济下行压力较大,决策部门相继出台系列…
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近期本地蒸呢机价格将陆续上调厂家持观望心…方管廊坊蒸呢机市场价格持稳观望。今日廊坊蒸呢机报价开盘稳,但实际成交价有所上调,蒸呢机厂家让利空间收窄。据悉,今日河北津西、天柱、鑫达等蒸呢机厂正在召开会议,对价格会作出调整,各蒸呢机厂家持观望心态。而午后津西… 蒸呢机市场价格稳中有跌成交依旧较弱方管蒸呢机市场价格稳中有跌。主导市场,北京、天津、上海和广州均有所松动。期螺夜盘低位震荡,早盘有点超跌反弹的意思,但仅仅是停留在低 位的反弹,消息面依旧没有大的刺激,所以今日市场价格继续稳中有跌。不过午后盘面来了…