








近日蒸呢机市场保持疲弱走势厂家生产相对稳…武汉蒸呢机价格较上周小幅上涨成交表现不佳蒸呢机市场价格继续下跌。近日蒸呢机市场保持疲弱走势,带动现货市场价格持续阴跌,市场成交也在蒸呢机厂家“买涨不买跌”的心理影响下显得清淡。从供应端来看,目前各蒸呢机厂家生产 相对稳定,且4、5月份钢企检修复产情况较少,因此,整体资源产量变化相对不大。需求端而言,由于临近淡季,有一定萎缩,据兰…

武汉蒸呢机价格较上周小幅上涨。今日武汉市场蒸呢机价格弱势运行,较昨日价格下跌30元。主要受昨日利空消息影响,期货跳水导致现货价格难以持稳,且今日早盘期货走势震荡下行,蒸呢机厂家开盘报价跌30元/吨。成交方面,今日成交表现不佳,成交价在3720元/吨。回顾本周:价格方面,先反弹后跌,临近周末传来利空消息,市场价格再次下 跌。成交方面,周初出货量较前几周要好,市场释放了部分需求;临近周末出货较差,主要受价格影响,下游客户买涨不买跌,采货积极性降低。不过另一方面传来 利好消息,据悉,商务部正在调研汽车企业,将适时出台措施支持汽车行业,本月汽车加工厂采购意愿加强,对于蒸呢机价格或能起到一定积极支撑作用,预计本地蒸呢机需求九月份较八月份趋强,价格有望有一小波上涨可能。

The price of Wuhan Fangguan has risen slightly since last week. The Wuhan market today manages the weak price movement, which is 30 yuan lower than yesterday's price. Influenced mainly by the bad news of yesterday, the dive of futures led to the difficulty in stabilizing spot prices. Moreover, the trend of futures in early trading today was concussive, and the opening quotation of square managers fell by 30 yuan/ton. In terms of trading, today's trading performance is not good, with a turnover price of 3720 yuan per ton. Looking back on this week: In terms of price, it rebounded first and then fell. Near the weekend, bad news came and market prices fell again. In terms of turnover, shipments at the beginning of the week were better than those in previous weeks, and the market released some demand; shipments at the end of the week were poor, mainly affected by price, downstream customers did not buy up or down, and their enthusiasm for purchasing decreased. On the other hand, there is good news. It is reported that the Ministry of Commerce is investigating automobile enterprises and will introduce timely measures to support the automobile industry. This month, the purchase intention of automobile processing factories has been strengthened, which may play a positive supporting role in controlling prices. It is expected that the demand for local management will be stronger in September than in August, and the price is expected to have a certain effect. Wavelet may rise. 蒸呢机价格方面:截止9月6日数据,武汉蒸呢机4.75mm武钢普3720元(吨价,下同),较上周同期3700元,价格小幅上涨20元。

As for the price of square pipe, as of September 6, the price of Wuhan square pipe is 4.75mm. The price of Wuhan square pipe is 3720 yuan (ton price, the same below), which is a small increase of 20 yuan compared with 3700 yuan in the same period last week.

蒸呢机市场价格涨幅放缓下游需求还是偏弱蒸呢机蒸呢机市场价格涨幅放缓。主导市场,北京、天津、上海和广州均小幅上涨。期螺夜盘虽有些走弱,但高位走势仍对市场有所支撑,早盘同样维 持了高位走势,钢坯也涨了20,所以今日市场价格继续以涨为主,但从昨日市场表现来看,下游需求还是偏弱,因此今日涨势有所放缓。从市场了解到,今日期螺 虽然依旧高位运行,但除了带动价格… 武汉蒸呢机市场价格稳或偏弱调整观望心态较…蒸呢机武汉蒸呢机市场价格下调。近日利空消息偏多,市场成交依旧惨淡,整体出货较差,多数商家对后市较为悲观,分析6月行情也是跌跌荡荡,外围市场较为谨慎,需求方也是按需购 货,观望心态较重,蒸呢机厂家以出货为主,砍货情况在市场也频频出现,午后钢坯跌20元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3600元,成本小幅回落,期螺地位震荡,市场心态…
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