








本周蒸呢机市场价格基本持平厂家基本放假节后开盘蒸呢机市场价格普遍上涨后市压力渐显本周蒸呢机市场价格基本持平。临近年末,国内蒸呢机市场流动性收窄,本周价格变化幅度不大。下周南方多地蒸呢机厂家基本放假,北方加工企业也多有停工,出货情况不佳。据悉,本周天铁 结束检修,仅有新钢一家蒸呢机厂家蒸呢机线存在检修,两家蒸呢机厂家影响本月产量8万吨左右。随着蒸呢机厂家的复产,蒸呢机…


After the opening of the Festival, the market prices generally rose. At the end of November 11, although demand for hot coils is rising, it is not enough to match the high supply and high inventory. Last week, Shanghai's stock increased by 11,000 tons again. The pressure of future market is becoming more and more obvious. In addition, there is little possibility for steel mills to take the initiative to reduce production at present. There is still a limited increase in the price of square tubes nationwide. In the short run, it is more likely to maintain consolidation in the stock market. Situation. In terms of square tube prices, the average price of domestic pipe coiled sheets is 3746 yuan (ton price, the same below), up 16 yuan from yesterday and 30 yuan from the same period last week. 中秋假期再现利好,欧洲央行宣布降息以及量化宽松政策。今日沙特石油核心重镇遭袭,原油期货大涨,带动大宗商品价格全线拉涨。期螺期卷今日拉涨 40-60元,尽管午盘价格在粗钢产量再次增加的情况下出现回落,但下午盘成功走高,市场心态好转,对于后市一些蒸呢机厂家稍显乐观。据悉,今日北方卷板大户 出货在300-1000吨,华东华南大户出货400-500吨,较节前基本持平,不过目前宏观面消息利好占优,今日起我国央行正式降准0.5%,释放流动性,货币宽松的情况下,对于后市价格是为利好。

The Mid-Autumn Festival was good again, with the ECB announcing interest rate cuts and quantitative easing. Today, Saudi Arabia's oil core town was attacked, and crude oil futures soared, driving up commodity prices across the board. The snail futures volume rose 40-60 yuan today. Although the midday price fell when crude steel output increased again, the afternoon price succeeded in rising and the market mentality improved. Some traders in the future were slightly optimistic. It is learnt that today, 300-1000 tons of rolled sheets are shipped by large customers in northern China and 400-500 tons by large customers in eastern and southern China, which is basically the same as before the festival. However, at present, the macro-level news is favorable. Since today, the Central Bank of China has officially lowered its benchmark by 0.5%. With the release of liquidity and loose currency, it is good for future market prices.

蒸呢机价格受限产因素影响预计高位盘整运行…蒸呢机27日内蒸呢机市场价格上行为主,今日145蒸呢机开盘较昨涨20,主流蒸呢机厂家报3900元/吨,早盘期货高开高走,但整体市场成交较弱,仅个别厂家出清日 产,但钢坯早盘涨20,有成本端支撑,小蒸呢机价格居高不下,午盘期货再次上扬,刺激了下游心态,多家小蒸呢机厂家停售,成交渐好。唐山355蒸呢机主流涨 50,今期螺大幅走高,… 国内蒸呢机市场继续稳中向上运行厂家出货较…蒸呢机蒸呢机市场价格延续涨势。今日开市,市场停限产消息依旧不断,期货也因此继续高位飘红运行,现货市场上涨意愿依旧较强,今日华北市场邯郸、唐山、天津涨20-30元,华东 市场上海、江阴部分涨10元左右,华南市场基本维稳,由此可见,国庆在即,虽停限产消息接连刺激,但对南方中板市场影响相对较弱,故涨幅要小于北方。据市 场…
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郑州高效蒸呢机市场价格小幅下降库存增加明…方管本周郑州高效蒸呢机市场价格小幅下降,距离农历新年已经越来越近,本地的工地开始陆续进入停工状态,对于蒸呢机的需求量开始下降,蒸呢机库存量开始回升。上半周市场价格降幅较大,虽成本端坚挺,但年关逼近且下游陆续放假… 广州市场蒸呢机价格或持续走弱下跌成交起色…方管本周广州市场蒸呢机价格持续小幅度的下跌,成交也是日渐缩水。期货方面本周跌幅较大整体来看处于下行通道,本周原材 料也大幅跟跌,受唐山环保限产当地轧钢厂全面停产影响,钢坯成交也明显走弱。现货方面周一上午期货走势尚…